This program provides hands on support, consultations, modeling, coaching and resources when there are challenges in a classroom or childcare center that require immediate attention. We can help.

Even before the pandemic, educators and administrators have been reaching out regarding challenges in the classroom. When the many strategies they have in place are not working, the teacher and the administrator need help -- hands on help. Now, behaviors are getting even more challenging, and it's too much to manage each individual challenge AND teach. 

Mariposa Education offers crisis management to schools by bringing years of expertise and experience to support teachers in the classroom. There is a reason why many of our tried and tested methods to help children are not working, and with Mariposa’s brain based approach to SEL, we can and have changed the trajectory for many children. 

Educators and administrators have many demands on their attention and time. Mariposa consultants come to the classroom with the ability to focus completely on the children to determine sources of stress, core needs that they are struggling to meet, and the skills that they need to meet those needs. In addition, we have the bandwidth and expertise to then work with all of the adults in the child’s ecosystem, and the experience needed to create a plan to address the stress, the needs and the social emotional learning needed.


  • Free Initial Consultation: 30
  • Crisis Intervention:
    • Assessment including consult, observations, and evaluations.
    • Collaboration with adults in ecosystem: parents, teachers, admin, counseling
    • Hands on interaction in the classroom to assess, model, support.
    • Collaboration and discussion to prepare recommendations and plan.
    • Consultation and recommendations
    • Hands on application of recommended strategies
    • Support for family if appropriate
    • Mentoring of adults in ecosystem as appropriate
    • Sharing of resources such as short video lessons or articles as relevant.
  • Additional hours of consultation at an hourly rate

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Your Consultants

Anne Townsend, Ph.D.

Dr. Anne Townsend, is a thought leader and has years of research and experience in social emotional learning – what gets in the way and how to create change. She is able to assess and apply her research and experience to unique challenges with an understanding of the ecosystem around a child and the science behind social emotional learning, stress and the brain.

Jenny Barrett, M.Ed.

Jenny Barrett, M.Ed. has been working with Mariposa for 14 years supporting teachers, parents and children as they manage crisis and shift the patterns that are not working. With her degree and background in Special Ed., years as an early childhood administrator, and experience in schools and homes throughout the region, she is able to step in, collaborate and mentor to help teachers and parents. 


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